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22.11.2013 15:54
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<!DOCTYPE HTML><html> <head> <title>Schneeflocken</title> <meta charset="utf-8"> <style type="text/css"> .snowflake { position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px; color:#CCC; /* Farbe für Alternativtext */ } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> /*<![CDATA[*/ var snowProperties = { // Adresse der Schneeflocken-Grafik: flakeImage : '', // Alternativ-Text, falls Grafik nicht gefunden: flakeText : '*', // maximale Abweichung von der Standard-Bildgröße in Prozent [0..1] // z.B.: 0 = keine, 50 = +-50%, 100 = +-100% (doppelt so groß bzw. nicht mehr zu sehen) deviation : 50, flakeWidth : 20, // Breite einer Schneeflocke flakeHeight : 23, // Höhe einer Schneeflocke animSpeed : 75, // Intervall für Ausführung der Animations in ms stepDown : 2, // Pixel nach unten pro Animations-Schritt amplitude : 10, // maximale Pendelbewegungen seitwärts in Pixeln period : 12.5, // Länge für eine komplette Pendelbewegung amountStart : Math.ceil(window.innerWidth*0.0025), // Anzahl der zu ladenden Schneeflocken pro Zeile snowLine : Math.round(window.innerHeight * 0.8), // maximale Höhe, welche die Schneeflocken zurücklegen sizeBottom : 2 // minimale Größe einer Schneeflocke am Ende in Prozent } function snowFlake() { var that = this; this.deviation = ((Math.random() * 2) - 1) * (snowProperties.deviation/100); this.width = snowProperties.flakeWidth * (1 + this.deviation); this.height = snowProperties.flakeHeight * (1 + this.deviation); this.posX = Math.floor((Math.random() * (window.innerWidth - this.width - Math.abs(this.deviation) ) ) + 1); this.posY = ((-1) * this.height) - Math.floor((Math.random() * (2*this.height) ) + 1); this.decrWidth = ( this.width - ( this.width * (snowProperties.sizeBottom/100) ) ) // (Anfangsbreite - Endbreite) / (snowProperties.snowLine - (this.height * 3)); this.decrHeight = ( this.height - ( this.height * (snowProperties.sizeBottom/100) ) ) // (Anfangshöhe - Endhöhe) / (snowProperties.snowLine - (this.height * 3)); this.flake; this.init = function() { // HTML-Element für Schneeflocke erzeugen: this.flake = document.createElement('img'); // Attribute des HTML-Elementes initialisieren: this.flake.setAttribute( 'name', 'snowflake'); this.flake.setAttribute( 'alt', snowProperties.flakeText); this.flake.setAttribute( 'class', 'snowflake'); this.flake.setAttribute( 'src', snowProperties.flakeImage); // Element in Seite einbinden: document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(this.flake); = this.width + 'px'; = this.height + 'px'; = this.posY + 'px'; = this.posX + 'px'; } this.init(); this.remove = function() { document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].removeChild(this.flake); } this.fallDown = function() { this.posY += snowProperties.stepDown; = this.posY + 'px'; var newPosition = parseFloat(this.posX) + snowProperties.amplitude * Math.sin( (1/snowProperties.period) * (this.posY - this.deviation) ); = newPosition + 'px'; this.width -= this.decrWidth; this.height -= this.decrHeight; = this.width + 'px'; = this.height + 'px'; } } function snowFall() { var that = this; this.flakes; var interval; var timeout; var loadRange; var loadTimer; var totalAmount; var countLoaded = 0; // Anzahl geladener Schneeflocken this.init = function() { totalAmount = snowProperties.amountStart * Math.round( snowProperties.snowLine / (snowProperties.flakeHeight * 1.5 * 2) ); this.flakes = new Array(totalAmount); loadRange = snowProperties.amountStart; // this.flakes.length * (snowProperties.amountStart/100); for (var i = 0; i < loadRange; i++) { this.flakes[i] = new snowFlake(); this.flakes[i] = 'none'; countLoaded = i + 1; } // (Durchschnittliche Fallhöhe bis Bildrand) * (Zeitschritte, die bis dahin vergingen): loadTimer = (snowProperties.flakeHeight * 1.5 * 2) * (snowProperties.animSpeed / snowProperties.stepDown); timeout = window.setTimeout( function() { that.loadAsync(); }, loadTimer); } this.init(); this.loadAsync = function() { var loadMore = false; for (var i = 0; i < loadRange; i++) { if ( (countLoaded < this.flakes.length) && (this.flakes[countLoaded] == null) ) { this.flakes[countLoaded++] = new snowFlake(); } else { break; } loadMore = true; } if (loadMore) { timeout = window.setTimeout( function() { that.loadAsync(); }, loadTimer); } } = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.flakes.length; i++) { if (this.flakes[i] != null) { this.flakes[i] = 'block'; } } } this.hide = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.flakes.length; i++) { if (this.flakes[i] != null) { this.flakes[i] = 'none'; } } } this.startAnimation = function() { interval = window.setInterval( function() {; } , snowProperties.animSpeed);; } this.stopAnimation = function() { window.clearInterval(interval); this.hide(); } = function() { for (var i = 0; i < this.flakes.length; i++) { if (this.flakes[i] != null) { if (this.flakes[i].posY > snowProperties.snowLine) { this.flakes[i].remove(); // alte Schneeflocke entfernen this.flakes[i] = new snowFlake(); // neue Schneeflocke generieren } this.flakes[i].fallDown(); } } } } function letTheSnowFall() { var fallingSnow = new snowFall(); fallingSnow.startAnimation(); //window.setTimeout( function(){ fallingSnow.hide(); }, 10000); //window.setTimeout( function(){; }, 44000); window.setTimeout( function(){ fallingSnow.stopAnimation(); }, 45000); // Dauer der Animation } /*]]>*/ </script> </head> <body onLoad="letTheSnowFall();"> </body> </html>
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